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Demo: Affiliate Marketing 101 (Self Hosted Video)

[pullquote]If you like the format of the video above, we have put together dozens of others for everyone who purchases X. Learn about all sorts of different topics like Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, SEO, Digital Products, and more.[/pullquote]

For those looking for a more customized solution, you can upload your own self-hosted videos using the nifty Video Post Format right from within your dashboard. Each video will be fully responsive and look great on any device!

Simply create a post like you always would, select Video in the format box, then enter the destination of your video file (MP4, M4V, OGV) right below the main content area. In addition you can select the desired aspect ratio for optimum viewing.

Like above, you can optionally set a featured image that will show before the video is played.

Another title for our pretty cool blog

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